
your reclaimed life

Welcome to Your Life Reclaimed. This site was born out of a need to reclaim the things in my life that I knew would lead to more joy, peace, and contentment for myself and hopefully my family.

The idea of becoming ‘reclaimed’ happened after I began suffering from anxiety attacks a little over a year ago. I didn’t know at the time, but my over-scheduled days and clutter packed home was created an endless to-do list that never seemed to end. My body began to fight back.  In a way, it forced me to slow down long enough to listen to what my heart had been yearning for. Intentionally living with less. Doing less. Being less to more and being more to less.

Since then I have found peace and comfort in my home – it has become my place of comfort instead of chaos. I have found ‘white space’ in my schedule to refocus and reclaim my family time, my personal time (hello blog!), my family’s financial goals and our health (still a work in progress).

I hope you will come along on this journey and find some great inspiration to reclaim your life – and find the joy that you deserve.

Welcome to Your Life Reclaimed!