Simplify Your Thanksgiving

Simplify Your Thanksgiving

Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, pies, family, decor and more!!! Thanksgiving is here and what is meant to be a celebration with family and friends, a day to celebrate the blessings in our lives, can quickly turn into a stressful day of hours in the kitchen, meal planning and prep and anxiety over perfectly curated decor. 

If you are feeling a little overwhelmed just thinking about it keep reading for some great tips on how to simplify your holiday gathering.

Stick with what works:

First let me be the one to say, I love a new recipe and giving my guest a surprising new dish but on Thanksgiving Day you may want to stick to the tried and true. The quickest way to feel stressed over your meal is to have a new recipe go wrong.  And, lets face it, if your family is anything like mine, that traditional items are what they are all craving most! (like my mother-in-laws amazing stuffing with sausage!)

I always use this amazing brine from the Pioneer Woman to make the most delicious turkey and this cranberry sauce is delish! 

If you just can’t fight the urge to get creative with your menu, take time before the big day to try the recipe out by halving the ingredients and making a small batch to test! 

Sharing is Caring

If you are anything like me, you may dream of being the ‘host with the most’ and single-handedly pulling off a Pinterest worthy dinner solo. However, I learned long ago that spending all day in the kitchen can leave you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and maybe even resentful. Don’t hesitate to ask for help. Whether it’s extra hands in the kitchen or going potluck style as our family does. Have each person bring a dish to pass so you all can share Thanksgiving meal responsibilities. It is a great way to lessen your stress in the kitchen and give others a chance to help. Too often, we forget that our guest are not only willing to help, they like to feel included and share their favortie dish too. Check out this great post I recently read with some tips on planning a Thanksgiving potluck. It’s pretty similar to what we do. 

In our family, each family brings an appetizer, a side dish, and a dessert as well as any particular beverages they may want. I love having a handful of great wines for the evening and a mimosa for the day-time prep time, after all, what’s better than sipping on a yummy mimosa while cooking?! 

Embrace the less is more decor

Gosh, I love a good Pinterest board with all the Joanna Gaines beautiful table settings, the perfectly designed beverage station and the home filled with the perfect balance of “we still remember Thanksgiving, but can’t wait to get to Christmas” decor.  Don’t you?! But let’s face it, at the end of the day what really matters on Thanksgiving is the people we love most gathering around the table to share laughter, stories, and great food. 

If you are feeling like there is just too much to get done, you can’t go wrong with just a few key pieces, a fall inspired floral centerpiece and collection of small pumpkins in a pretty container. I display mine in a tray similar to this that I picked up at an antique shop years ago. I use chalk to write a word on the front like “thankful” or “blessed” 

As much as I love my home turning into a winter wonderland, I hate clutter! It overwhelms me and makes my home feel chaotic. When it comes to holiday decorating, I plan to strategically use the pieces I love most.  One of those things is garland. I adore fresh garland ( I usually pick mine up at Costco) but struggle with keeping it fresh for as long as I hope to display it. Last year I picked up a faux garland for a great price and was really impressed by how realistic it looked. It makes it easier to decorate without the stress of turning my mantle into a fire hazard! 

Still in need of more ideas on how to simplify and minimize your holiday decor while feeling like you get to express your holiday style? I really enjoyed this post from The Mostly Simple Life.

Focus on what matters

At the end of it all, a gorgeous turkey and a beautifully curated home are a wonderful thing that can bring you joy and pride and that is amazing, but if all the ‘stuff’ leaves you feeling exhausted mentally and physically, it might be time to rethink what matters. Some of us are charged up and fulfilled by making sure all the details are addressed and by serving our guest a delish meal, and others of us feel obligated or defeated at the end of it all.  Which ever camp you fall into, i’m here to tell you, it’s okay! Just take a moment to take stock of how you have felt in years past and give yourself permission to make changes if needed. 

You do have the right to reclaim your holiday. Take some time to think about what you want your day to look and feel like, and most importantly, what does this day mean to you? Is it connecting with family and friends you haven’t seen in a while. Do you wish you could sit and catch up on the lives of those who will fill your home? Does th day you have planned allow you to do that? 

Perhaps you envision a day where generations of women meet in the kitchen to swap stories of the past and great grandma’s recipes. A day where you can teach your children the spirit of gratitude. Does your Thanksgiving induce stress or allow for the kindness and love you want to feel and give in those moments? If not, decide on what you value most about the celebration and focus your energies there. 

You get to choose. Sometimes though, we need to remind ourselves that we too deserve to slow down and truly enjoy the holidays. As a wife and mom (and woman in general) I can find myself falling into the trap that it’s my job to make the holiday’s a magical special moment for everyone else and forget that what my family needs is a mom who takes the time to create the ‘open space/time’ to actually present for them.

What is something you do to help make your Thanksgiving more enjoyable? Leave me a comment below. 

Happy Thanksgiving! 

this post contains some affiliate links. Each item, however, is something I personally use, enjoy and recommend. 

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