Tag: intentional

Do Faith and Minimalism Belong Together?

Do Faith and Minimalism Belong Together?

Faith and Minimalism. Woah, that’s a big ‘ol topic. Friends, we’re gonna go a bit deep today even though I worry that this article perhaps won’t do justice to the thoughts I have constantly swirling in my head about this topic. But, I’m going to 

|Decisive Moments: healthy habits for life|

|Decisive Moments: healthy habits for life|

If you don’t decide you’re worth the intense decision to make a difference in your own life, no one else will. No one else will give you the permission to choose you

Intentional Motherhood: reclaim what matters

Intentional Motherhood: reclaim what matters

When you feel buried by your life, your home or your daily to do list you are are missing out on the joy that you were created to have. We can choose a better way.