Tag: over committed

Just Stop. How to be self -aware and combat burnout

Just Stop. How to be self -aware and combat burnout

When you began to share your story about how something has forever changed you, I realized that there is a chronic problem that will surround you in an unexpected way. Suddenly, you’ll begin to feel like you can’t ever revert to the ‘you that you 

5 Tips to solve schedule overload

5 Tips to solve schedule overload

Have you ever felt that you are rolling along, honoring your “not so much” desire and calendar management and then all of a sudden BOOM – your tasks smack you in the face and you suddenly feel like your drowning in ALL? THE. THINGS? Yeah, me too. So how do we stop the overscheduled madness and if we can’t totally stop it, how do we deal with our emotions and anxiety about it?