Tag: health

|Decisive Moments: healthy habits for life|

|Decisive Moments: healthy habits for life|

If you don’t decide you’re worth the intense decision to make a difference in your own life, no one else will. No one else will give you the permission to choose you

5 Tips to Simplify Your Health Goals

5 Tips to Simplify Your Health Goals

Well friends,  New Year celebrations have come and gone. I am still picking up confetti from the TWELVE party poppers I handed out to the all the kids that celebrated at our house that night. (Yes, I might be a little crazy) But confetti sadly 

How to detox your kids from sugar.

How to detox your kids from sugar.

I took my kids off sugar for 8 days and here’s what happened. There I was, standing in the kitchen having my 13th argument of the day about whether or not my daughter could have another sugar-laden piece of Halloween candy. Before I was a parent