15 At Home Spring Break Ideas For The Whole Family

15 At Home Spring Break Ideas For The Whole Family

This spring break is unlike any other. Usually, our family either heads south to a warm beach or plans to stay close to home, doing adventures like amusement parks or local water parks. This year, none of these are an option. Just like you are 

6 Great Back To School Tips {for a calm start to a new year}

6 Great Back To School Tips {for a calm start to a new year}

Here are my six back to school tips for starting the school year off strong and more importantly, calm.

Boredom is Extinct. Lessons learned while living in my basement.

Boredom is Extinct. Lessons learned while living in my basement.

If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to survive as a family of 5 with less, then move into your basement for a week. Or go tent camping… really either way works and are basically the same thing! Now, before you roll your eyes at 

Kid Craft Clutter

Kid Craft Clutter

I don’t know about you, but crafting is LIFE for my kiddos. But it means that if we aren’t careful, we end up with a whole lot of kid crafting clutter! My kids craft at our well-loved kitchen table which shows all the marks of 

Why Our Kids Crave Simplicity

Why Our Kids Crave Simplicity

AHHHH! Snow days. The day that makes some parents giddy to spend all day with their darling children and others cringe at the idea of being cooped up at home trying to get things done while their little angels fight and whine. This isn’t a 

How to detox your kids from sugar.

How to detox your kids from sugar.

I took my kids off sugar for 8 days and here’s what happened. There I was, standing in the kitchen having my 13th argument of the day about whether or not my daughter could have another sugar-laden piece of Halloween candy. Before I was a parent 

10 Things Mom Doesn’t Do

10 Things Mom Doesn’t Do

The other day my home suffered a domestic disturbance. Not the kind you may think. The kind where mom (that’s me) loses her mind, has a ‘complete freak out’ and has an immediate need to overhaul my entire family’s behavior!  So as I sat in