Tag: family

3 Reasons Black Friday ruins holidays and why I still go.

3 Reasons Black Friday ruins holidays and why I still go.

Obviously, it would be unacceptable for your ‘keep it simple’ girl not to write an article about Black Friday, so here it is. And it might not be what you expect. With Thanksgiving just a day away I found that there are two camps of 

How simple summers can teach us family values

How simple summers can teach us family values

Summer is coming to a close and my heart is breaking for the loss of simple, unscheduled days. It wasn’t always like this. For most of the years that my kids have been in school, I have been the mom who says “ I can’t 

How to detox your kids from sugar.

How to detox your kids from sugar.

I took my kids off sugar for 8 days and here’s what happened. There I was, standing in the kitchen having my 13th argument of the day about whether or not my daughter could have another sugar-laden piece of Halloween candy. Before I was a parent 

Simplify Your Thanksgiving

Simplify Your Thanksgiving

Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, pies, family, decor and more!!! Thanksgiving is here and what is meant to be a celebration with family and friends, a day to celebrate the blessings in our lives, can quickly turn into a stressful day of hours in the kitchen, 

10 Things Mom Doesn’t Do

10 Things Mom Doesn’t Do

The other day my home suffered a domestic disturbance. Not the kind you may think. The kind where mom (that’s me) loses her mind, has a ‘complete freak out’ and has an immediate need to overhaul my entire family’s behavior!  So as I sat in