Tag: organize

Decision Fatigue is killing your willpower.

Decision Fatigue is killing your willpower.

Decision fatigue is the idea that we make so many decisions throughout our day that it actually fatigues our mind and body and leaves us either making poor quality choices as the day goes on or shutting down and not making any decisions at all.

Kid Craft Clutter

Kid Craft Clutter

I don’t know about you, but crafting is LIFE for my kiddos. But it means that if we aren’t careful, we end up with a whole lot of kid crafting clutter! My kids craft at our well-loved kitchen table which shows all the marks of 

5 Tips to solve schedule overload

5 Tips to solve schedule overload

Have you ever felt that you are rolling along, honoring your “not so much” desire and calendar management and then all of a sudden BOOM – your tasks smack you in the face and you suddenly feel like your drowning in ALL? THE. THINGS? Yeah, me too. So how do we stop the overscheduled madness and if we can’t totally stop it, how do we deal with our emotions and anxiety about it?

The Best Christmas Declutter Guide

The Best Christmas Declutter Guide

I’m pretty sure I was just sharing my tips for getting your kids off the Halloween candy sugar addiction and now we’re talking Christmas! It’s hard to believe that the start and the wrap up of the holiday season are headed our way like the Polar Express. 

8 Steps to Declutter your closet

8 Steps to Declutter your closet

Listen up. I am about to issue some TOUGH love so buckle down and wrap your hands around that warm mug of coffee for comfort… YOUR CLOSET is causing you stress and you are just taking it. It’s time to reclaim your morning routine and