Tag: simple

How simple summers can teach us family values

How simple summers can teach us family values

Summer is coming to a close and my heart is breaking for the loss of simple, unscheduled days. It wasn’t always like this. For most of the years that my kids have been in school, I have been the mom who says “ I can’t 

| Simple meal planning for real life |

| Simple meal planning for real life |

Ah. Meal Planning. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. I’ve had the itch to write an article to share all my meal prep ideas with you since I’ve taken this journey into a simpler approach to our life, but 

Budgeting doesn’t have to be stressful

Budgeting doesn’t have to be stressful

You might find me completely crazy for saying this, but there’s a lot of times that I will choose not to grocery shop or shop for other things if I feel like my budget is out of alignment or that I haven’t visited it recently 

Why Our Kids Crave Simplicity

Why Our Kids Crave Simplicity

AHHHH! Snow days. The day that makes some parents giddy to spend all day with their darling children and others cringe at the idea of being cooped up at home trying to get things done while their little angels fight and whine. This isn’t a 

The Easiest Way to Tackle your Turkey

The Easiest Way to Tackle your Turkey

With Thanksgiving only 2 days away, I began to ponder just how I would cook 2 turkeys and all the trimmings for 24 people with one stove, one crock pot and one instant pot but then a phone call made everything better. Here’s the advice 

Simplify Your Thanksgiving

Simplify Your Thanksgiving

Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, pies, family, decor and more!!! Thanksgiving is here and what is meant to be a celebration with family and friends, a day to celebrate the blessings in our lives, can quickly turn into a stressful day of hours in the kitchen,