Tag: tips

6 Great Back To School Tips {for a calm start to a new year}

6 Great Back To School Tips {for a calm start to a new year}

Here are my six back to school tips for starting the school year off strong and more importantly, calm.

5 Tips to Simplify Your Health Goals

5 Tips to Simplify Your Health Goals

Well friends,  New Year celebrations have come and gone. I am still picking up confetti from the TWELVE party poppers I handed out to the all the kids that celebrated at our house that night. (Yes, I might be a little crazy) But confetti sadly 

Simplify Your Thanksgiving

Simplify Your Thanksgiving

Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, pies, family, decor and more!!! Thanksgiving is here and what is meant to be a celebration with family and friends, a day to celebrate the blessings in our lives, can quickly turn into a stressful day of hours in the kitchen,