Decision Fatigue is killing your willpower.

Decision Fatigue is killing your willpower.

Decision fatigue is the idea that we make so many decisions throughout our day that it actually fatigues our mind and body and leaves us either making poor quality choices as the day goes on or shutting down and not making any decisions at all.

|When friendship leads to simpler life|

|When friendship leads to simpler life|

Hang on to your seat friends, the girl who tells you all about how to simplify and what you need LESS of is about to tell you what everyone needs MORE of. 2 weeks ago we had a family event that shook us to the 

|8 surprising tips to declutter your home|

|8 surprising tips to declutter your home|

This weekend I spent time with a friend helping her to declutter and giving her some tips to reclaim a few areas in her home that were causing her a lot of anxiety. While we emptied and cleaned and tossed and organized, I listened to 

Budgeting doesn’t have to be stressful

Budgeting doesn’t have to be stressful

You might find me completely crazy for saying this, but there’s a lot of times that I will choose not to grocery shop or shop for other things if I feel like my budget is out of alignment or that I haven’t visited it recently 

Something Better : Why Decluttering Matters

Something Better : Why Decluttering Matters

Since I have begun sharing my journey of simplifying my home and overall life, I’ve come to understand some of the most common struggles with decluttering. Freeing ourselves of our stuff and of our busyness goes far beyond bagging up outdated clothing and knick-knacks that 

Kid Craft Clutter

Kid Craft Clutter

I don’t know about you, but crafting is LIFE for my kiddos. But it means that if we aren’t careful, we end up with a whole lot of kid crafting clutter! My kids craft at our well-loved kitchen table which shows all the marks of 

Why Our Kids Crave Simplicity

Why Our Kids Crave Simplicity

AHHHH! Snow days. The day that makes some parents giddy to spend all day with their darling children and others cringe at the idea of being cooped up at home trying to get things done while their little angels fight and whine. This isn’t a 

The Minimalist Myth

The Minimalist Myth

Minimalism. When we hear that word, it might conjure up thoughts of stark white walls and furniture and homes that feel empty and uninviting. This is definitely what I thought of when I read about someone becoming a minimalist. Don’t even get me started on capsule 

5 Tips to Simplify Your Health Goals

5 Tips to Simplify Your Health Goals

Well friends,  New Year celebrations have come and gone. I am still picking up confetti from the TWELVE party poppers I handed out to the all the kids that celebrated at our house that night. (Yes, I might be a little crazy) But confetti sadly 

Simple Email Organization Tips

Simple Email Organization Tips

A year and a half ago I eagerly hopped on to a website called Belay Solutions and submitted a resume to become a Virtual Assistant. At the time I had left a 9-5 job to stay home with my kiddos but after some time I